I love landscapes, they show the beauty of nature and capture the world around us. I think landscape painting is very revelant to today because it's nice that people still take in the view around them and paint it. It's all around us, even in a city you can still paint the buildings and capture the more architecture side of it. But for those people that live in the city, they would most likely have a landscape painting on their wall of the natural side (like the beach, fields of trees, mountains or rivers) as they don't get to experience it where they live.
I would have one up on my wall too, although I live near the sea it's still nice to have it in your own home. I think it just brings out the room when it’s there. Although if I were to have a landscape on my wall I wouldn't mind if it was modernized but it would most likely be all stylelised and unusal, just because it’s different and more interesting to look at but also brings a different side of the landscape out that some people not be able to see.